Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

February, 2021

How They SRE

How they SRE is a curated collection of SRE resources.


»arara is a TeX automation tool based on directives and rules.«

Podman v3.0.0

Release 3.0 release of podman comes with support for Docker Compose, improved security, and over 100 bug fixes.

Browser Fuzzing at Mozilla

This post's authors provide insight into Mozilla's fuzzing-pipeline, including links to the open-source tools in use.

How We Hosted Fosdem 2021 on Matrix

This post shares insights on how this year's FOSDEM was held on Matrix.

Consensus is Harder Than It Looks

This article highlights three challenges in consensus for highly available systems.


The author suggests defining a single place where SRE should document temporary information on systems and their operation.

Staying Safe With .NET Containers

This post gives some general security advice in working with .NET containers.

(Very) Basic Intro to Elliptic Curve Cryptography

In this post, the author gives a short introduction to ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography.)

The Dunant Subsea Cable, Connecting the Us and Mainland Europe, Is Ready for Service

Crossing the Atlantic Ocean between Virginia Beach in the US and Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez on the French Atlantic coast, the Dunant submarine cable system delivering a capacity of 250 terabits per second.

Threat Modeling Manifesto

The Threat Modeling Manifesto provides guidelines with values and principles in threat modeling.

The Internet of Trash

» ‘Move fast and break things’ is not a tenable paradigm for this industry today — if it ever was. In the light of our experience, with the outcomes of an industry that became fixated on pumping out minimally viable products, it’s a paradigm that heads towards what we could conventionally label as criminal negligence.«


»NetStatus is designed as an always-on dashboard WebUI to track internet connectivity. It will periodically recheck its connection & provide a live view of status, online or off. speed up/down & latency«

OpenBSD on Apple M1

This short note states that OpenBSD can boot into multi-user mode on Apple M1 Hardware now.

How Much Are Open-Source Developers Really Worth?

»The results of the study, which was commissioned by the European Commission, show that there is a widespread lack of understanding of the benefits that can be drawn from the open-source ecosystem in Europe.«


Minimalist and opinionated feed reader.


Home of the ncurses-based disk usage analyzer; also contains a list with similar projects.

Rust 1.50.0

»For this release, we have improved array indexing, expanded safe access to union fields, and added to the standard library.«

Babelfish: the Elephant in the Room?

In this post, the author reflects on how Amazon AWS’s Babelfish will influence PostgreSQL.

ENIAC Turns 75

This article gives an insight into the history of the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) on the occasion of its 75th anniversary.

On, over 300 different operating systems can be tested from within the browser or via a VNC client.

Debian 10.8

»This point release mainly adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for serious problems.«

PostgreSQL: What is a checkpoint?

This blog post explains what checkpoints in PostgreSQL are and how you can tune them.

Cargo Cult Software Engineering

This article differentiates between process-oriented and commitment-oriented projects and their imposter equivalents.

A Devil of a Time: How Vulnerable is NTP to Malicious Timeservers?

This paper shows that NTP is vulnerable to attacks by malicious NTP servers.

Slack’s Outage on January 4th 2021

A postmortem by Slack on the outage from the beginning of January, caused by the overload of one of their AWS transit gateway.


dog is a command-line DNS client with support for DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS protocols.

inetutils 2.0

The first release of inetutils in 6 years brings updates to programs like ping and ficonfig.

LKML: Linus Torvalds: Linux 5.11

The first stable kernel release for 2021 includes an AMD performance regression fix, new hardware support, and filesystem improvements.

dRAID, Finally!

This article explains why the upcoming distributed RAID vdev type is an excellent addition to ZFS's existing data protection capabilities for large installments.

Beej's Guide to Network Programming

plocate is a faster mlocate replacement with a smaller index footprint.


FileRun is a self-hosted file manager.

Farmers Are Having to Hack Their Own Tractors Just to Make Repairs

This article shows the consequences of proprietary, closed software finding its way more and more into farming.

Uncovering a 24-Year-Old Bug in the Linux Kernel

The author analyzes an old issue in the Linux kernel TCP implementation.

Book: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

Operating Systems book centered around the concepts of virtualization, concurrency, and persistence.

Ubuntu Core 20

Canonical released Ubuntu Core 20, it’s minimal, containerized version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Donating Docker Distribution to the CNCF

Docker donates the code of it’s container registry to the CNCF.

Analyzing gRPC Messages Using Wireshark

This post explains how to parse plain text gRPC messages in Wireshark.

Adding a document that describes the high-level architecture is a useful thing to add to your project.