Monthly Shaarli

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November, 2020

GitHub - imsnif/diskonaut: Terminal disk space navigator 🔭

I like using ncdu for quickly getting an idea of the sizes of the individual elements of a directory structure. diskonaut does the same thing but with a visual treemap presentation.

We’re Optimizing Ourselves to Death – Zander Nethercutt

»Burnout is the inevitable result of our endlessly accelerating pace of life«

Looking Forward to Linux Network Configuration in the Initial Ramdisk (initrd)

Why the NetworkManager dracut module brings better integration between networking in the initrd and NetworkManager running in the real root filesystem.

EVE is Edge Virtualization Engine

EVE provides a framework for developing and orchestrating cloud-native applications at the on-premises edge. Requires Go and Docker.

psql command line tutorial and cheat sheet
This is 25 - GIMP

»Exactly 25 years ago, Peter Mattis wrote a message to several newsgroups announcing a new image editor called GIMP.« -Arch Conf 2020

Arch Conf 2020

How to use skopeo to migrate off Docker Hub

The author explains a typical use case of skopeo. The tool comes in handy in every situation where you have to get container images from A to B.

HAProxy 2.3

This release of HAProxy comes with many improvements; its changes in the connection layer lays the foundation for support for HTTP/3 / QUIC.

Understanding MySQL Memory Usage with Performance Schema

This blog post explains MySQL memory instrumentation with Performance Schema and how to use custom queries with the MySQL exporter.

Introducing Etrace – a Multi-Purpose Application Profiling Tool

Canonical introduces a profiling tool called etrace. While being designed as a generic tracing application, it is specially tailored to analyze snaps.

European Parliament Votes for Right to Repair - iFixit

The European Parliament votes to support the "Right to Repair." While no concrete guidelines come with this resolution, it's a first step in the right direction.

Designing, Configuring and Verifying Linux Systems

This Video gives insight into the Linux Foundation project ELISA (Enabling Linux In Safety Applications).

The Origin of the “MIT License”

This article discusses the origin of the MIT License.

How we designed Dropbox ATF: an async task framework

Post about the design and implementation of ATF, Dropbox's async task framework

eBPF Updates #1: eBPF Summit Coverage, libbpf 0.2, BTF Developments, Bulk API for XDP, Local Task Storage for eBPF LSM

Collection of news from the eBPF ecosystem.

The 250kb Club

The 250kb Club is a collection of web pages that focus on performance, efficiency, and accessibility. See also

InfluxDB 2.0
k9s: 🐶 Kubernetes CLI

»K9s provides a terminal UI to interact with your Kubernetes clusters. The aim of this project is to make it easier to navigate, observe, and manage your applications in the wild.«


An open-source productivity tool drawing inspiration from Workflowy and Vim.

Discover the New Firefox Profiler

Nazım Can Altınova explains how to use the Firefox profiler for performance analysis.

BPF binaries: BTF, CO-RE, and the future of BPF perf tools

With the presented tools BTF and CO-RE, BPF gets more portable, not requiring the whole build chain with LLVM, Clang, and kernel header dependencies. In this blog post, Brendan Gregg explains how it works and what it means for BPF performance tools.

The UNIX Command Language (1976)

»The UNIX Command Language is the first-ever paper published on the Unix shell. It was written by Ken Thompson in 1976.«

Exploring a new Postgres database

This short post contains essential tips on how to explore a new Postgres database from Craig Kerstiens.

nginx 1.19.5
  • Feature: the -e switch.
  • Feature: the same source files can now be specified in different modules while building addon modules.
  • Bugfix: SSL shutdown did not work when lingering close was used.
  • Bugfix: "upstream sent frame for closed stream" errors might occur when working with gRPC backends.
  • Bugfix: in request body filters internal API.

»Browsh is a fully-modern text-based browser. It renders anything that a modern browser can; HTML5, CSS3, JS, video and even WebGL.«

Achieving 100 Gbps Intrusion Prevention on a Single Server

This article explains, how with its FPGA-first design, Pigasus, an Intrusion Detection/Prevention System is able to process 100 Gbps on a single server.

Leap Second Hiatus

This blog post explains why it is unlikely that we will have a leap second in the next few years and that we even might introduce a negative one.

FioSynth I/O benchmark and data visualizer - Facebook Engineering

Benchmark for storage workloads to predict how a storage device will perform in real production environments.

Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Kubernetes

Blog series on working with ASP.NET Core applications in Kubernetes.

Mutt 2.0

Mutt gets a new major release number, not because of the number of new features but because some changes break the backward-compatibility.

Buildah 1.17.0

Buildah 1.17 adds several new options to the manifest add command, returns the name instead of id with the mount command, and improves Podman interoperability.

Eight Months of NixOS

The author describes his experience with his transition from macOS to NixOS.

Sudo 1.9.3: improved sudoers handling

This new version of sudo comes with improvements to how the sudoers file is handled. Zero-length files are not saved by sudoedit, error messages are more accurate now, and sudo refuses to run if there is a syntax error.

NAT Slipstreaming

»NAT Slipstreaming allows an attacker to remotely access any TCP/UDP service bound to a victim machine, bypassing the victim's NAT/firewall (arbitrary firewall pinhole control), just by the victim visiting a website.«

Is a Billion-Dollar Worth of Server Lying on the Ground

In this blog post, the author shows some ways in which money is wasted on IT infrastructure.