Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

May 2, 2021

QEMU internals

»A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark«


Snapshot tool for BTRFS and thin-provisioned LVM volumes by SUSE.


Static code analysis for Infrastructure-as-code.

Proxmox Virtual Environment 6.4

The newest Proxmox VE release comes with single-file restore, QEMU 5.2, LXC 4.0, and ZFS 2.0.4.

Croc Full Plaintext Recovery

Vulnerabilities found in the file-sharing tool croc.

Write a Good Dockerfile in 19 'Easy' Steps

Post with valuable tips for building container images.

Query Engines: Push vs. Pull

The author makes an in-depth comparison between "push" and "pull" based query engines.

The NGINX Handbook
AWS Latency Monitoring

Site with a latency matrix for the latency between the different AWS source and destination regions.

Stratis 2.4

Stratis 2.4 allows booting from a Stratis-managed root filesystem and enhances existing encryption support.

GCC 11.1

GCC 11.1 released with significant progress in the C++20 language support and experimental C++23 support.

Linux 5.12
Fedora Linux 34

The newest release of Fedora 34 and its spins offers BTRFS compression by default, a switch from X11 to Wayland as default for KDE Plasma, and other improvements.

Common Interface for NIC Statistics

Standardized IEEE and IETF statistics coming to ethtool with Kernel 5.13.

Building Containers by Hand: The PID Namespace

The second article in this series is dedicated to the PID namespace.

Computer Science from the Bottom Up

»Generate PlantUML ER diagram textual description from PostgreSQL tables«


Viewer for git and diff output.

QEMU version 6.0.0 released - QEMU

The newest major release of QEMU comes with many improvements, especially for ARM and RISC-V architectures.

OpenBSD 6.9

Some of the highlights:

  • Preliminary Apple M1 SoC support
  • Improved arm64 support
  • Improved powerpc64 support
  • Numerous Kernel improvements
  • Various bug fixes and tweaks in userland
Europe Is Trying to Reclaim Its Lost Chipmaking Glory

»In 1990, Europe accounted for about 44% of global semiconductor manufacturing. Now, it's closer to 10% and Taiwan, South Korea and Japan account for about 60% of production…«